Saturday, September 3, 2011

Paradigm Shift

hello everyone, i dont know where to start, except, thank you. i couldn't have gotten here without you all. immediately when i arrived, i knew this place would challenge me, emotionaly, spiritually, and actually even physically; and a great magnitude of each one. So let's kind of evaluate the time i've been here and the prospects of my life for the next year, together.... my family and I arrived after a seven hour drive, so not too bad; then i was checking out the campus, and the first thing i noticed was the dreadful heat... then i began learning of the work hours, and the mandatory corporates work outs that begin at 5:30 in the morning, aside from the classes squeezed somewhere in between the day...........................     .....................................ahahhaahhah!!!!....... yeah thats how i felt. i wasn't sure how i felt. but while learning these things, i thought, "theres no way im waking at 5:30 and working out military style, after waking that early." okay, so i took a tour, then met my room TEMPORARY room mates ( temporary because they want us to know everyone on campus; but we only switched room mates once) then parents left and the first day ended. next few days everyone was becoming used to everyone else and the 18 hour schedule. and honestly i didn't know how i would adjust and enjoy it; find peace amongst all this seemingly chaotic paradigm shift. i think the best thing that happened to me the first few days, were the worship sessions. this is where i began to pour out my heart to Jesus. i was so upset and overwhelmed, and very much to my surprise, missing home; but i realized, i have nothing at home right now. here is God's plan, not home. so i just began to surrender and lift up all my selfishness, and all my worries were made extremely minute. not to say that i wont have problems, because i will have many things to work on. but God has given me so much peace through my trust in Him; and every time i begin to doubt this place i have to bring my mind back to His throne. some of the challenges for me here and for most people is, we cannot listen to secular music all year.....I LOVE MY MUSIC!!!!!! but i understand now thats its a cleansing process; im also learning to organize my time very know, if i want to actually enjoy my free time and be somewhat productive with my personal life. But what has been the most rewarding is God revealing Himself to teenagers who are on fire for Him; God has been transforming everyone of us after only two weeks of faithful and extreme servitude to Him. It's truly incredible. people have been getting healed in front of my eyes; healed of problems they've had since child birth. and the biggest thing with me, being worked on is, my submission. this been very hard but im already reap benefits........ im trying hard to not just write on and on and on; so i'll  stop here and you guys can write me back if you like, and i'll continue to keep you updated as often as i can. but i am extremely busy here. i love you everyone. thank you so much for helping connect with the Creator on a new level